Fine chocolates, hand-made with high quality raw materials, inspired to the works of the great architect Andrea Palladio, who lived and worked in the city of Vicenza, in Veneto and in Venice, during the Reinassance.
      The models of chocolates, carved by hand, perfectly imitate the classical capitals, in various drafts: dorico, jonico, corinzio, composite and tuscanico, that characterize in an unmistakable way Palladio's extraordinary buildings and Villas.

      On the packages, on paper Murillo, more than twenty watercolors have been reproduced, representing the most meaningful works of Palladio, scattered in all the Veneto territory. The watercolors have been realized by painter and designer Raffaello Peotta from Vicenza. These designs can be detached from the labels of the small boxes, forming a precious collection of framing images.