The Doric order is the oldest one: it spread from 8th century B.C. in Greece.
With sober and massive shapes, it has a capital with simple lines, composed by "cuscino" (or "echino"),
surmounted by a squared abacus. Villa Emo Fanzolo (TV) is the only Villa Palladiana in Doric style.
Developed from 6th century B.C. in the islands of Mare Egeo and in Asia Minore,
the Jonic style has agile and smart shapes. The columns are more scaring, surmounted by a capital,
sculpted with refined volutes, that remind the old hairstyles of Greek women.
Villa Almerigo-Capra, known as La Rotonda (VI) has this style.
The Corinthian order spread in Greece from 4th century B.C. and it derives from the city of Corinto.
It′s a refined and decorative style, it presents a very elaborate capital,
which reproduces the leaves of acanto: a tipical plant in Greece.
The Corinthian capitals are present in the Teatro Olimpico (VI).